Global Family Awards

global family rasmus

The “Member of the Global Family” - Award was inspired by the Global Family speech held by Harry Belafonte in 1997 Helsinki and founded by Cosmos Juniors.

The award aims to recognise individuals and communities for outstanding contribution in promotion of an equal, fair, open-minded, socially cohesive and international Finland. The “Member of the Global Family Award” was launched in 1998 and it has been awarded by Cosmos Juniors, Liikkukaa - Sports for all ry, Rasmus ry and International Finland Ry.

The awards patrons were South Africa’s Ambassador to Finland Ms. Bukelwa Hans and Claes Andersson, Minister of Sports and Culture.

Previously the Global Family Award was presented to e.g. FC Honka’s fan club “Hongankolistajat”, journalist and writer Umayya Abu Hanna, the Bank of Finland’s director Erkki Liikanen, MP’s Nasima Razmyar, Ozan Yanar and Eva Biaudet, Paleface and footballer Riku Riski.

global family helsinki
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global family rasmus helsinki
